Anyway, I don't intend to make this entry a sad one. I just think that I have to put into writing what I have in mind.
We make decisions everyday that leave us scratching our heads only moments later, wondering how we could have been so silly to have made them in the first place.
Some decisions take days, weeks, months or even years to come back and haunt us. Others take minutes, even seconds, to be deemed stupid.
The worst part about these poor decisions is that
once they are made, they can’t be taken back.You have reached and passed the point of no return. Now you’re stuck with them. What can you do? Nothing. It’s too late.
Over the years I have come to believe that life is eventually about choices. And the choices you make shape your day, shape your views, shape your experiences, shape your thoughts and shape your life. There are some life choices over which you have no control or which others will make for you — like when and where you are born, the family you are born to, your life during childhood, the school you went to, etc.
Beyond that, there are several other important choices that you make in life. I learned today that people always have a choice. So dont use the
'i don't have a choice'as an excuse to a mistake you've done because technically, you did have a choice. And what you did is your choice.
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