Friday, 13 February 2015

Bridal Shower Games

**** This was supposed be uploaded 3 months ago but since I have been busy I was unable to post it.

WARNING: Some photos here might offend you. If you’re that kind of person, go away now. Seriously.

Need ideas for wedding shower games? Here are a few..

Bridal shower games are a great ice-breaker if guests do not know each other very well. This handy guide is full of game ideas you can play for tons of bridal shower fun!

Toilet Paper Wedding Gown
Divide guests into teams of two or three people. Each team is given rolls of toilet paper and they choose a “bride” from their team. Give the teams 20 minutes to create a wedding dress on their “bride” using the toilet paper. At the end of 20 minutes, vote for the best wedding dress and the funniest, and give prizes to the winners.

The Purse Game
This is a simple game where the hostess makes a list of items likely to appear in a woman’s purse and assigns a point value to each item ranging from 1-5 depending on how unusual the item is. For example car keys might be a 1 on the scale, a mirror a 3 and an eye lash curler a 5. The hostess might also choose to allow 10 bonus points for the woman who can produce the most outrageous item from her purse. The woman with the most points wins the game. Another variation of this game is to have a list of items and call out the items one at a time. The first woman to find each item and hand it to the person judging the game wins one point. After the entire list has been completed, the woman with the most points is the winner.

How Well Do You Know the Bride?
Have pre-printed paper with different questions about the bride, etc. What is the bride’s favorite color? What does the bride plan to name her first child? What size shoe does she wear? Pass the paper out to the guests and set a time limit. Whoever gets the most correct is the winner.

What's The Bride Wearing?
This one is a classic but always a good time. Without telling the guests that they’ll be tested later on, start the shower as planned. Have some nibbles, and let everyone greet the bride. Have the bride leave the room and then hand out paper and pens and have them write down everything they can remember about what the bride is wearing and be as detailed as possible! After 5 minutes, bring the bride back in and then have each guest score their neighbor’s list (cuts down on the cheating!) as the host reads her master list. Those little details can be the tie-breakers! The guest with the most complete and accurate list wins a prize!

The Clay Penis Game
Every guest is even a handful of clay. Everyone is tasked to mold the clay to the best looking penis ever. The best one wins a prize!

Pin The Macho On The Man
Remember Pin the Tail on the Donkey? Now you can Pin the Macho on the MAN!! Perfect for your next bachelorette party. See if you and your friends know where the "P" is located.

Kiss The Bride's Butt
Put a picture of the bride's face on the wall above a sketch of the rest of her body. Draw a red heart on her rear end. Have all of your guest's take a turn putting on red lipstick and a blindfold and then have them kiss the sketch. The guest who gets closest to the heart wins.

Eat Me!
A bridal shower will not be complete without the kinky cake! Ask the Bride-to-be to wear the blindfold and get her to answer trivias. And whenever she answers incorrectly, she is supposed to do the consequence, like licking, kissing, or eating the private parts of the cake topper. You may want to prepare your cameras for this!

There are a lot more games you can play but for me, those above are the ones which is budget-friendly but super fun to do!

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