Tuesday 20 October 2015

Welcome To The Christian World Baby Lance

October 4 (Sunday)

We received a last minute invite a day before the event. But that's fine because Waldz is really close to the father of the celebrant. They were former colleagues and sleeping buddies!

I have always loved doing gift shopping. I love doing it more than buying things for myself. Waldz kept on insisting that we give monetary gift but I was persistent. We went early at Eastwood Mall, around 11am. I went to ToysRUs and it only took me less than 15 minutes to buy the gift, pay for it and have it wrapped. Thanks to the helpful guy who assisted me! Sorry I didn't get your name, sir! But thank you.

We were really rushing but on our way to our car, we saw an advertisement of the new Magnum flavor.

Anyway, since we thought we were running late for the baptism itself, we decided to head straight to the reception, which is at the Sky Lounge of Flair Towers in Mandaluyong. We were one of the first few guests to arrive. While waiting, we were busy munching the appetizer, Lansones. I bet you also didn't get it at first. Lance = Lansones. See, now you're smiling!

The party started late because the parents were asked to attend a seminar. They arrived half past 1. The party was simple. It was well decorated and they have this very accommodating sister-in-law who roams around to check on their guests. When the couple arrived with Lance, we were invited to help ourselves on the buffet table. It was worth the long wait because the food was amazing. I personally liked the tuna and pork with BBQ sauce. I forced Waldz to accompany me to the photo-booth. Haha! And after a few short talks and some pictures taken with Lance and his parents, we left the party.

Lance is a lucky baby boy. His parents love him so dearly. He got his height from his dad. Most of his facial features are from his mom, including the uber cutie dimples. I would love to carry you someday but I am not confident enough to do so and I don't want to risk that. Can't wait to see you grow up. Tito Waldz and Tita Mymy will be here if you need a buddy to take you to the candy shop!

Welcome to the Christian World, Lance!

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